Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Secrets Revealed

There are certain things an individual must accomplish to be successful in life regardless if you want to use your entrepreneurial skills to invent a new product, become a successful asshole in the business world, or make tons of money doing something you love. No one wants to be remembered as a failure. So as a highly respected blogger with just under 5 subscribers, I thought I would be the perfect person to tell you how to be successful. I also think that I should give back to all those people who have helped me become so successful and afford to carry forward in my life of leisure. So get out your notebooks and get ready to pen the words that will shape you into a winner.

Winners are the people at work who make the big bucks. If you want to make that kind of dough then you need to play the game right. Second best is not an option, besides, we all know that women go for the guys who make the most money. I want to help you score the woman of your dreams to revel in your success with you. Remember, behind every rich man is a beautiful lady, just watch out for the divorce papers. Life is all about being successful, which means that it's all about money. You need to get as much money as you possibly can so you can buy all the luxuries you don't need. You don't even want to know what I've been able to buy with all the proceeds from blogging, sometimes I envy myself.

I cannot wait to marry him
I absolutely guarantee that my great wisdom and understanding of success will lead you to your dream job and more importantly, your dream life. I would normally charge for such valuable information, but I owe all my success as a blogger to my plethora of subscribers. I wouldn't be ninety-nine hundred thousand short of a million without you. As a token of my good will, I present you with the key to success:

2 Rules of Success

1. Never tell everything you know

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