Wednesday, July 20, 2011

An Excruciatingly Painful Relationship

I love video games, I hate video games. Quite often when I play video games by my lonesome, I end up in an uncontrollable fit of rage. Video games are very fun for the most part, but there's always some aspect or part of the game that just pisses me off to no avail. Regardless of how angry the games make me, I always come back for more. Most of the time, a gaming session starts out relatively fun, but there always seems to be that moment where I just get ass-raped and that is what makes me go on a hell-bent rampage. No, this is not an article about a horrible relationship I had with a girl.

Sophomore year of college I used to play Halo 3 all the time with the people I lived with. I had a great time and it was actually really fun to play with a team that you could communicate with by just yelling to the other room. The problem here is simple though, it is the same problem I run into at tremendous speed in every game I play online. Some people are just way too good and it makes it double plus ungood. I don't know how some people get so good at games like Halo, but I can take the stereotypical approach and assume that they live in their mom's basement and play games all day, after all, it's probably true. Anyways, it is very common that we would be stuck in a game with those assholes that run shit in Halo 3. The people that get perfect head shots with the battle rifle, but could beat the shit out of you with any weapon whenever they wanted. Other times it was those pieces of shit that stand outside the lifts with the swords and wait for people like me to come up so they can ram the sword in my asshole. These are the types of things that pissed me off and made me yell terrible things about how playing the game was worse than cancer.
Something all gamers should strive for
My ranting doesn't end with Halo 3, recently my anger has shifted to one of the 3,000 Call of Duty games, Black Ops to be specific. Lots of people who play that game seem to already have a year worth of gaming time when the game has only been out for about seven months. Yeah, I'm talking to you guys with your golden guns. I don't know why, but it always makes me extra mad when someone with a gold gun kills me. Those nine-million prestige bastards. I'm just trying to have some fun. I get my shit rocked in this game all the time, usually it's because I try to do stupid things and continue to get angrier with each death until it's absolutely unbearable and I have to stop playing.

Gordon Freeman, a man after my own heart
It's not only online gaming that pisses me off, I have a hatred for some parts of campaigns in games. This hatred is just not as prevalent because I don't get my ass beaten to a bloody pulp as often in campaigns. Believe me though, there are always difficult parts in campaigns that make me want to hit things. Sometimes I wish I could go back and watch myself rage because it's actually really funny from a third person perspective. I have considered getting one of those capture card things so I could record myself, but they're kind of expensive and I'd probably need to buy an external hard drive, too, so I would have space to store all my outbursts. I won't rule out the possibility of this happening though because it would sure make for some great entertainment!

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