Thursday, August 11, 2011

The Bat Out of Hell

I rather enjoyed reminiscing about past experiences, so I'm going to do it again! This particular experience occurred when I was a freshman in high school and I was at tryouts for the baseball team. For some reason I was practicing with the JV team, probably because I could field somewhat well. My fielding was one of my best areas in the game, if not my strongest. I think that I owe this to a drill which I thought of more as just having fun! My dad would stand at the edge of our driveway facing the garage. I would position myself in front of the garage armed only with my glove. My dad would then toss up tennis balls and hit them with a tennis racket toward the opening of the garage and I would field them! It was so much fun and probably the reason I could field somewhat smoothly.

I did a little bit of this, too
The weather around here sucks ass so we were having batting practice in our shitty gym where the batting cage was set up. We had a designated on deck circle where the person who was up next could get some practice swings in. I had just finished batting and I had gone back to my bag to put my bat away and take off my batting gloves. I would also like to add that my bag was nowhere near the designated on deck circle, who would have guessed. I had just finished putting my batting gloves in my bag when I stood up and turned around. What did I see when I turned around, not much but a blur and something hitting me in the face hard. I just stood there and touched the top of my right eye with my hand. When I looked at my hand it was covered in blood and I saw blood dripping to the floor. My teammates rushed me to the locker room where they did their best to clean me up and my mom was called to take me to the hospital. I'm sure the janitor loved me because now he had to clean up the long trail of blood!

This guy got off way too easy
Apparently I had been struck in the face with the bat wielded by my teammate who was on deck. I'm still certain that I was not in the on deck area, but who cares now, that was about six or seven years ago now. This was not just an ordinary bat either, it had a weight taped onto it, a practice bat. So I took a weighted bat to the face, more specifically, to my right eyebrow. My mom came to pick me up and brought me to the local hospital's emergency room. I still remember telling the emergency room people why I was there. The women on at that time looked at me horrified and asked me if I had been in a gang fight. Absolutely classic! Yeah, I got in a gang fight then got my mom to drive me to the hospital and calmly strolled into the emergency room, no big deal. I just hope for everyone's sake that the people who did this to me don't find us here, then shit's going down!

I had to wait forever in that emergency room. I remember seeing people walk out with the most miniscule issues, too. There was this one guy who came out with a band-aid on his thumb. Then there were those other people there complaining about the common cold, in the emergency room. I ended up getting three or four stitches and now there is a thin line on my eyebrow where hair no longer grows. I still remember going to school the next day, too. I had this patch over my eye and a couple of times I heard people say "hey, that must be the kid who got hit in the face with the bat."

Telling stories from my past is fun! Stay tuned for more coming soon! At least I hope coming soon.

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