Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Some of my Favorite Music Videos ...

Village People - Sex Over the Phone
Okay, now that I've got your attention I can move on to some other videos where I have to actually explain why I love them so.  Oh and somebody really needs to petition Lady Gaga to cover this song.

The Darkness - I Believe In a Thing Called Love

This video is so wonderful (as is the song) that I will have to walk you through all the things I love about this video so strap yourselves in!
0:23 - Sweet Headband in the bathtub dude!
0:32 - MAN ASS!
0:37 - I need a drying/rape monster in my house immediately!
0:40-0:51 - This little period taught me more about sex than anything else I have ever seen or heard.
1:03 - Does the bassist really need to walk out like a robot?
1:10 - Somebody just pressed the instant solo button!  (By the way this song has some awesome guitar work)
1:26 - Who can say they haven't been tormented by giant space crabs at some point in their life?
1:30 - Best thumbs up shot ever, everything is indeed "A-Okay".
1:39 - With the help of my spirit band and their harmony, I shall vanquish this monster with his own rock!
1:59 - Pause it and contemplate if you would rather be able to get away with having such terrible teeth as this guy, or being able to get away with wearing that headband.  I'd personally go with the headband.
2:04 - Is that some new age dildo?
2:08 - Commence amazing solo #2, and stay tuned for the greatest room ever created.
2:20 - Don't you want a Marshall amp?  I bet he got those wholesale.
2:31 - Blue fire room with amplifying archs!  And it cuts into the obligatory minutely shot of the other band members.
2:45 - Red unicorn lady?  I bet the singer took her to pound town.
2:49 - This is the best moment in any music video ever, I hope they did this at all their concerts ever.
3:06 - Ah, it is coming to an end, but not before we battle a GIANT SQUID!
3:27 - Yes, the drummer is utilizing the squid's appendages as part of his set, no biggie.
3:33 - This jump beats anything from any basketball game or Olympic event ever.
3:44 - Another great thumbs up shot for showing the true power of rock and roll!  Excellent song over.

Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage
Could and probably should have gone with this video, but I like this one just as much and it is a little more obscure than the other.

Not as action packed as the Darkness but I'll point out my favorite parts.
0:21 - Pencil Moustache = 100 points.
0:28 - Man? Woman? Natural? Intentional? Gloves?
1:00 - Now it is getting good!  Dramatic standing grasp..
1:08 - Have you ever seen anybody keep their mouth open larger and longer?
1:16 - 1:43 - Didn't expect it to go on that long did you?  But there were also some good moments in between.
1:23 - Going two hands there buddy?  It's gonna be a good day for him!
1:34 - That is what I call a handful of ass!
1:36 - Awkward eyebrows as if it wasn't strange enough.
2:11 - WET WILLY!  Part always kinda creeps me out.
2:17 - From the people who brought you dramatic standing grasp comes, explorer suits and a stuffed moose!
2:20 - Oh yeah, its so hot even the dead moose is feeling it.
2:32 - 2:40 - They are back for more and this time there was no cutscenes to take you away from this madness.
2:40 - 2:47 - I dare you not to be scared shitless by any one of these pieces of "art."
2:48 - Fire in the disco!
2:50 - What a cute family portrait!
2:56, 2:58, 3:00 - I'm pretty sure all three of these are the same shot.
3:04 - So that's where the saxophone was coming from!
3:17 - And you probably thought the wet willy was creepy earlier...
3:27 - Return of the wet willy!
3:38 - Fire in the Taco Bell?

These turned out to be a little longer than I intended, so leave a comment if you like this (suggestions?) and I'll try to do some more in the future.

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