Monday, August 1, 2011

Trees. Trees. Oh look! Trees!

It's been a little while since I've written here, probably would have written over the weekend but I was nowhere near technology for a couple days.  Yes my friends this means exactly what you think it means, the man who's interpretation of fun is crunching baseball stats on Microsoft Excel went on a weekend camping trip!
The trip came out of nowhere for me, as I was minding my own business at home one day when I received a call from one of my housemates at school and while I was confused by why he was calling at the time, I had wanted to go visit that weekend so it was nice.  The next words he said were more or less "camping and canoeing, tomorrow, be there or be square" in which case my response was more or less "fuck yeah!"  In order to arrive at our school house at a decent hour I had to take the day off of work and leave early as I have a two and a half hour drive just to get there, so that too was kind of a nice consequence.  Things were going swimmingly on the drive up and I even got to play some X-men Arcade with one of my friends who wasn't going on our adventure.  But then things became more interesting.  We didn't leave for the camp until around 7:00 and it took about an hour just to get to the place we were going to push off with the canoes.  If you are not aware, that means it was starting to get very dark by the time we had all of our stuff put into the canoes and put them into the water.  This is when I found out two new pieces of information about our adventure, first that we had a 45 minute canoe out to the island we were staying on given you are experienced at canoeing, second I found that none of us were experienced at canoeing.
We aren't this good...
After taking about 20 minutes to figure out we were in the canoe backwards and another 15 to figure out how to pretend we were canoeing straight we started to canoe straight off into the massive lake.  The sun was going down rapidly and our island was far out of sight, but that did not break our resolve at all.  Now a couple of interesting things would happen, first once the sun was officially down and it was very dark out, and then fireworks filled up the sky!  Take this from me, there are not many things more awesome and peaceful than floating in the middle of a lake watching a fireworks display in what is pretty much perfect weather, it was amazing.  Then a little later when it was pretty much pitch black, we started going by a dock on what we now refer to as "Old Lady Island" in which we got heckled by the old lady inhabitants of the island.  They started yelling "What you are doing is dangerous" and "you guys should stick together" saying it as if both of these tidbits were completely foreign to us before meeting with them.  Really? Canoeing in the dark when we only have a few flashlights to make people aware of our presence is dangerous?  I would've thought it would be more dangerous to cross an empty street at noon, go figure.  Also, I don't know if these bitches ever rode in a canoe, but it isn't exactly a wheel turn to change your direction, it is difficult for us to stay as close as they would've liked (which would be more-or-less canoe buttfucking.)  
Isn't there a kitchen you should be in?
Eventually we found our island and campsite, which was right on top of another which was inhabited and the inhabitants were sleeping.  We decided to take up another empty one for the night and be prepared to leave if someone showed up the next morning.  What happened the rest of the night was a few beers and someone trying to throw a bowie knife into a tree, it was fun.  The next day was regular old camping experience, sit in the outdoors, go swimming in the lake and do camping-type stuff.  This was nice until  we had a park ranger come by and inform us that we had to move because the people who's campsite we took couldn't talk to us themselves, so we moved back on top of the inhabitants of the previous night.  This was a really annoying inconvenience to an otherwise relaxing day.  But once again the sun would go down and we would have some good old fashioned fun.  Drinks around a campfire and one friend became the topic of the night as he tried a to inhale a certain type of plant for the first time in his life, it was not a pretty sight as a normally outgoing kid was more or less comatose for the better part of an hour.  Don't worry though, he was fine, all he had to do was throw up in the tent right next to me and he was back to normal.  I guess he just went a little too far.  
Truly words to live by.
I don't recall anything particularly interesting happening on the last day besides moving back of the island and returning to civilization.  I eventually found myself back home and writing this so I figure all turned out well.  I also learned a valuable lesson, whenever you are doing anything you just have to remember two important things "what you are doing is dangerous!" and "you guys should stick together!"

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